Domain | 1 year | 2 years | Renew | Transfer | Whois privacy |
.com | $9.95 | $18.55 | $8.95 | $8.95 | $2.00 |
.net | $10.00 | $19.00 | $9.00 | $9.00 | $2.00 |
.org | $8.98 | $15.30 | $7.98 | $7.98 | $2.00 |
.biz | $11.25 | $20.25 | $10.25 | $10.25 | $2.00 |
.ua | $9.50 | $18.00 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $2.00 |
.us | $12.75 | $22.30 | $11.75 | $11.75 | $2.00 |
.info | $9.95 | $18.55 | $8.95 | $8.95 | $2.00 |
.fm | $10.00 | $19.00 | $9.00 | $9.00 | $2.00 |
.dev | $8.98 | $15.30 | $7.98 | $7.98 | $2.00 |
.gov | $11.25 | $20.25 | $10.25 | $10.25 | $2.00 |
.tv | $9.50 | $18.00 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $2.00 |
.studio | $12.75 | $22.30 | $11.75 | $11.75 | $2.00 |
If you wish to move your domain name from one ICANN -accredited registrar to another, you may initiate the transfer process by contacting the registrar to which you wish to transfer the name. Click here for more information on Transferring Your Domain Name .
Domain registration is the process of registering a domain name, which identifies one or more IP addresses with a name that is easier to remember and use in URLs to identify particular Web pages. The person or business that registers domain name is called the domain name registrant.
Domain management, or domain name management, refers to the ongoing tasks of keeping a personal or corporate domain (or domains) stable, secure, and able to support related websites. ... Once registered, the name is assigned to a host's primary and secondary nameservers, which point the domain to a website.